Post two

Sumus tam adultis. Non est enim tibi nescio fingunt. Confusio esse cupio. Scio te debeo meae. At etiam, ut caveant ab his eu. In tuo positum, idem fecissem. Constitutione, quam molesta est mihi tres menses nescio quid de contractu fines nostros. Scis quare hoc facere. Lorem satis quaesitum.

Loquélæ. Brevis oratio. Hodie particeps tua perdideris. Quid sui nominis – Emilio? Emilio gradiens ad carcerem. Tulitque omnem pecuniam tuam in DEA tuus Lab. Vos got nihil. Quadratum unum. Et ego agnosco rem, nisi te scire elit. Cogito … maybe vos possem socium ascendit.

Paenitet me quod tu me rogas? Oh, sic, qui stultus plastic continentis rogavi te ut emas. Vides non manducare acidum hydrofluoric per plastic. Erit autem dissolvere metalli petram, vitrum, tellus. Ita quod illic ‘. Quam de aliquo cum aliqua interdum, maybe? Aliquid viride, huh? Quam vos sunt etiam vivere?

Quinquaginta septem est – pars tua, triginta quinque millia. Est autem extra plus quindecim, tota tua est, quom meruisset. Fac nos fecit. SIC. Puto quia una res potest – venimus in cognitionem. Vide pretium in manibus. Sed finge iustum faciens quod qualibet septimana. SIC. Duis duas libras triginta quinque milia pondo.

Post one

Walter, I’m your lawyer. Anything you say to me is totally privileged. I’m not in the shakedown racket. I’m a lawyer. Even drug dealers need lawyers, right? Especially drug dealers.

No shit! Right now you’re Fredo.

But, y’know, with some sound advice and proper introductions, who knows? I’ll tell you one thing: you’ve got the right product. Anything that gets the DEA’s panties in this big a bunch, you’re onto something special. And I would like to be a small and silent part of it. Food for thought, yeah? So if you want to make more money and keep the money that you make, better call Saul!

Better safe than sorry. That’s my motto. Yeah, you do seem to have a little ‘shit creek’ action going. You know, FYI, you can buy a paddle. Did you not plan for this contingency? I mean the Starship Enterprise had a self-destruct button. I’m just saying.

Look, let’s start with some tough love, alright? Ready for this? Here it goes: you two suck at peddling meth. Period. Good! ‘Oh boo-hoo, I won’t cook meth anymore!’ You’re a crybaby! Who needs you?! Hey, I’m unplugging the website, so no more money laundering! How do you like that?!

Great, perfect you know… this is just. I told her you were my A Team. Oh, hello Mrs. White, the good news is the IRS has been paid off, the bad news is… ach, Jesus!


Walter, I’m your lawyer. Anything you say to me is totally privileged. I’m not in the shakedown racket. I’m a lawyer. Even drug dealers need lawyers, right? Especially drug dealers.

No shit! Right now you’re Fredo.

But, y’know, with some sound advice and proper introductions, who knows? I’ll tell you one thing: you’ve got the right product. Anything that gets the DEA’s panties in this big a bunch, you’re onto something special. And I would like to be a small and silent part of it. Food for thought, yeah? So if you want to make more money and keep the money that you make, better call Saul!

Better safe than sorry. That’s my motto. Yeah, you do seem to have a little ‘shit creek’ action going. You know, FYI, you can buy a paddle. Did you not plan for this contingency? I mean the Starship Enterprise had a self-destruct button. I’m just saying.

Look, let’s start with some tough love, alright? Ready for this? Here it goes: you two suck at peddling meth. Period. Good! ‘Oh boo-hoo, I won’t cook meth anymore!’ You’re a crybaby! Who needs you?! Hey, I’m unplugging the website, so no more money laundering! How do you like that?!

Great, perfect you know… this is just. I told her you were my A Team. Oh, hello Mrs. White, the good news is the IRS has been paid off, the bad news is… ach, Jesus!


Walter, I’m your lawyer. Anything you say to me is totally privileged. I’m not in the shakedown racket. I’m a lawyer. Even drug dealers need lawyers, right? Especially drug dealers.

No shit! Right now you’re Fredo.

But, y’know, with some sound advice and proper introductions, who knows? I’ll tell you one thing: you’ve got the right product. Anything that gets the DEA’s panties in this big a bunch, you’re onto something special. And I would like to be a small and silent part of it. Food for thought, yeah? So if you want to make more money and keep the money that you make, better call Saul!

Better safe than sorry. That’s my motto. Yeah, you do seem to have a little ‘shit creek’ action going. You know, FYI, you can buy a paddle. Did you not plan for this contingency? I mean the Starship Enterprise had a self-destruct button. I’m just saying.

Look, let’s start with some tough love, alright? Ready for this? Here it goes: you two suck at peddling meth. Period. Good! ‘Oh boo-hoo, I won’t cook meth anymore!’ You’re a crybaby! Who needs you?! Hey, I’m unplugging the website, so no more money laundering! How do you like that?!

Great, perfect you know… this is just. I told her you were my A Team. Oh, hello Mrs. White, the good news is the IRS has been paid off, the bad news is… ach, Jesus!


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